Sunday, October 7, 2012


  • These are some of  flava , including ,jokes,fun
    A boy was teaching a girl maths..He kissed her & then kissed her again & said, this is addition. Then the girl kissed him back & said, this is subtraction. Then they kissed each other & said, this is multiplication. Suddenly the girl's dad came & beat the boy up, threw him away & said this is called DIVISION!

    She's single, she lives right across the street and i can see her house from my living room. I was surprised when she walked across the road and up my driveway this evening. She knocked on my door and i rushed to open it. "She said, i just got home and i am so horny that i have this strong urge to get drunk and screw all night long! Are you busy tonight?" I immediately replied: "Nope, I'm free all night!" "Oh good! she said. "In that case, could you look after my dog?"Lawrence Odembo
    Wife said," If I had known you were this poor, I wouldn't have married you."
    Husband replies," Pwahahaha, when I told you that, you were the only thing I have in this world, what were you thinking
    >>KASH JAY
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A bird decided to fly South for the Winter.He waited a little too long so as he was flying,his wings began to Freeze because of the cold.
    The bird became so cold that he crashed down into a Barnyard.As he lay there he thought he would surely Freeze to death.But as Fate would have it,a cow happened to come along & shit on the little bird.It completely covered him up & the bird thought he had surely died because it was so dark.
    Much to his suprise,the little bird found that he was warming up.

    The bird became so warm,that he began to sing.
    A cat happpened to be passing by & heard the singing.
    The Cat dug up the bird & ate him.
    This little Story goes to show.

    1. Not everyone who Shits on you is your Enemy.
    2. Not everyone who gets you out of Shit is your Friend.
    3. No matter how much Shit you are in,keep your Mouth shut!
    Choose one*

    A Cat was walking along a Swimming Pool & unfortunately fell in the Pool..
    On seeing this this a Cock that was also passing nearby laughed uncontrollably.
    So furious,the Cat asked the Cock..

    "What's so funny?"

    The cock replied,
    "Nothing makes a Cock so excited than a Wet Pussy!"


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