Monday, November 19, 2012

Days of the week
In Swahili, a week is known as juma or wiki. The days of the week rotate around Friday, which is the most important day to Muslims. The day after Friday, Saturday- Jumamosi, is considered to be the first day of the week i.e Juma (week) and mosi (first). 
 The following are the days of the week:
Jumamosi                            Saturday
Jumapili                                Sunday
Jumatatu                             Monday
Jumanne                             Tuesday
Jumatano                            Wednesday
Alhamisi                               Thursday
Ijumaa                                  Friday

Jana                  yesterday
Leo                   today
Kesho                tomorrow
Kesho kutwa      the day after tomorrow
Mtondo              the day after kesho kutwa
Juzi                    the day before yesterday
Juzijuzi               the few days ago, (usually between 3 to 5 days)

Greetings and Salutations
There are different types of greetings in Swahili which are used at different times and between different people. The following are examples of common Swahili greetings:
Shikamoo is a type of greeting that is used to show respect, mostly used by young people to greet older people. The response is marahaba.
The greeting literally means May I touch your feet? While the reply means Welcome.
Pachika msichana anamshikamoo mzee
Habari, which means news, is widely used. It can be combined with different words to bring out different meanings. For example:
Asubuhi (morning)- Habari ya asubuhi- How is your morning? The response is nzuri, safi, njema, poa, barabara e.t.c (it is okay, good).
Mama (mother) - Habari ya mama? - How is mother? or how are you lady?
Other words that can be used include:
Mchana (afternoon)
Jioni (evening)
Nyumbani (home)
Baba (father)
Safari (journey)
Watoto (children).
In this case then one will come across greetings like Habari za mchana, habari za jioni, habari za nyumbani, habari ya baba, habari ya watoto? e.t.c. In all these instances, the reply to the greetings will be one of the above/ forementioned words.
Another commonly used greeting in Swahili is hujambo?( How are you?). The response is sijambo (I am fine). Hujambo literally means do you have a word? The reply Sijambo means I do not have a word. The same pattern that was observed for Habari can obtain for this greeting also as shown below:
Mama Hajambo? (How is mum?). The response is hajambo (She is fine)
Watoto hawajambo? (How are the kids?). The response is hawajambo (They are fine).
Other greetings include:
Umeamkaje? (How have you woken up?). The response is vizuri, sawa, safi, vyema, barabara e.t.c  (well).
Umeshindaje? (How has been your day?). The response is also vizuri, vyema, poa, safi, sawa e.t.c meaning fine.
U hali gani? (How are you?). The response is salama, sijambo, nzuri, sawa, poa e.t.c meaning peaceful, fine, ok e.t.c.
There are other Swahili greetings that may sound colloquial yet in common use in the Swahili world. One such greeting is Mambo! and the reply is poa, safi, sawa e.t.c.

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