Monday, July 29, 2013
ONLY IN TANZANIA: SABABU ZA YANGA KUGOMEA KUONYESHWA MECHI ZAKE ZA ...: Uongozi wa klabu ya Yanga leo umefanya mkutano na waandishi wa habari juu ya urushwa...
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
ONLY IN TANZANIA: Tsvangirai aandamwa na kashfa huku uchaguzi ukikar...
ONLY IN TANZANIA: Tsvangirai aandamwa na kashfa huku uchaguzi ukikar...: Kituo cha Televisheni cha taifa cha Zimbabwe kimeanzisha kampeni ya kumchafulia jina Morgan Tsvangirai, mpinzani wa rais Robert Mugabe ...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Tangazo kutoka sekretarieti ya ajira serikalini
Sekretarieti ya Ajira
katika Utumishi wa Umma ni chombo kilichoundwa kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya
Utumishi wa Umma Na. 8 ya mwaka 2002 kama ilivyorekebishwa na Sheria Na.
18 ya mwaka 2007 kifungu 29 (1). Jukumu la msingi la Sekretarieti ya
Ajira ni kuendesha mchakato wa ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma. Hapa ina
maana kuwa jukumu la kuajiri, kuthibitisha watumishi kazini pamoja na
masuala ya nidhamu ya Watumishi yanabaki kwa Watendaji Wakuu wa Wizara
na Taasisi katika Utumishi wa Umma mitarafu ya Kifungu cha 6(1) (b) cha
Sheria ya Utumishi wa Umma no 8 ya mwaka 2002. Ambapo katika kuendesha
mchakato huo, Sekretarieti ya Ajira inapaswa kuzingatia Sheria, Kanuni,
na Taratibu zilizopo ili kuhakikisha Utumishi wa Umma unapata Watumishi
weledi na wenye maadili mema. Ambapo hadi sasa jumla ya waombaji 4891
tumeshaendesha mchakato wao wa ajira na kuwapangia vituo vya kazi.
Hata hivyo, Sekretarieti ya Ajira kwa kushirikiana na Ofisi ya Rais Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma ilipeleka Mswada Bungeni unaopendekeza kukasimu madaraka ya kuendesha mchakato wa Ajira ili baadhi ya Waajiri wakasimiwe madaraka hayo ili kurahisisha utendaji kazi katika kushughulikia mchakato wa ajira kwa baadhi ya kada. Huku Sekretarieti ya Ajira ikiendelea kuhakikisha kuwa jukumu hilo linaendelea kutekelezwa kwa ufanisi. Tunapoongelea suala la ufanisi hapa Kitengo cha Udhibiti na Ubora kinasimamia suala zima la uhakiki wa taarifa za mhusika, uhakiki wa vyeti na uadilifu wake kwa ujumla. Ambapo hadi sasa tumeshabaini jumla ya vyeti vya kughushi 677 ambavyo wahusika wanadai wamevipata kutoka RITA, VETA na NECTA.
Nafasi wazi za kazi zitakazokuwa zikitangazwa na mchakato wake kuweza kukasimiwa ni pamoja na Kada ya Wasaidizi wa ofisi, Wahudumu wa afya, Madereva, Maafisa Watendaji wa Kata, Mtaa, Kijiji, Wapishi, Walinzi, Madobi, Wasaidizi watunza kumbukumbu pamoja na Makatibu Muhtasi (walio chini ya cheo cha mwandishi mwendesha ofisi) au Kada zingine ambazo Katibu wa Sekretarieti ataona inafaa kukasimu.
1Aidha, nitoe ushauri kwa wanafunzi walioko shuleni na wanaotarajia kuingia vyuoni kuchukua masomo ama kozi za fani ya Afya, Elimu, Mifugo na Kilimo maana ni maeneo ambayo bado yana fursa nyingi za ajira Serikalini na wahitimu wake pindi wamalizapo wanapangiwa vituo vya kazi moja kwa moja bila ya kupitia mchakato wetu wa ajira kutokana na uhaba wa Wataalam wa fani hizo katika soko la ajira hivi sasa.
Sekretarieti ya Ajira katika kuhakikisha wananchi wanapata taarifa kwa haraka zaidi zinazohusu mchakato wa ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma, pamoja na kuboresha mawasiliano kati ya Ofisi yetu na wadau ili kuweza kuendana na mabadiliko ya sayansi na teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano nchini na duniani kwa ujumla, iliamua kuanzisha tovuti yake ( ambayo imerahisisha kwa kiasi kikubwa utoaji na upokeaji wa taarifa mbalimbali hususani za matangazo ya fursa za ajira taarifa nyingine zinazohusu masuala ya ajira Serikalini na matangazo mengine yanayohusu shughuli za Sekretarieti ya Ajira. Tangu kuzinduliwa mwezi Aprili, 2012 imeweza kutembelewa na wadau wapatao 3,017,410
Pamoja na tovuti Sekretarieti ya Ajira imeanzisha KANZIDATA (DATABASE) za aina tatu (3) ambazo ni Kanzidata ya Wahitimu wa Vyuo na Watalaam weledi, Kanzidata ya waliofaulu usaili na Kanzidata ya waliopangiwa vituo vya kazi.
Jambo lingine ambalo ningependa mkalifahamu ni kuwa, Sekretarieti ya Ajira iko katika hatua za awali za mchakato wa kuwawezesha waombaji wa fursa za ajira kuwasilisha maombi ya kazi kwa mfumo wa kielektroniki (e-application) kwa nafasi wazi zitakazokuwa zikitangazwa katika Utumishi wa Umma ili kurahisisha kupunguza mlolongo wa uendeshaji mchakato wa ajira ulivyo hivi sasa.
Mwisho nimalizie kwa kuwataka waombaji wa fursa za ajira kutokuchagua maeneo ya kufanyia kazi, hususani wale wanaopangiwa vituo vya kazi na Sekretarieti ya ajira na hawaendi kuripoti bila ya kutoa sababu za msingi maana Sekretarieti ya Ajira inaona hili ni kosa na inaandaa utaratibu wa kutowaruhusu kufanya usaili mwingine waombaji kama hao.
Imetolewa tarehe 12 Julai, 2013 na Riziki V. Abraham, Msemaji na Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasiliano Serikalini, Ofisi ya Rais Sekretarieti ya Ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma +255-68762497
Hata hivyo, Sekretarieti ya Ajira kwa kushirikiana na Ofisi ya Rais Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma ilipeleka Mswada Bungeni unaopendekeza kukasimu madaraka ya kuendesha mchakato wa Ajira ili baadhi ya Waajiri wakasimiwe madaraka hayo ili kurahisisha utendaji kazi katika kushughulikia mchakato wa ajira kwa baadhi ya kada. Huku Sekretarieti ya Ajira ikiendelea kuhakikisha kuwa jukumu hilo linaendelea kutekelezwa kwa ufanisi. Tunapoongelea suala la ufanisi hapa Kitengo cha Udhibiti na Ubora kinasimamia suala zima la uhakiki wa taarifa za mhusika, uhakiki wa vyeti na uadilifu wake kwa ujumla. Ambapo hadi sasa tumeshabaini jumla ya vyeti vya kughushi 677 ambavyo wahusika wanadai wamevipata kutoka RITA, VETA na NECTA.
Nafasi wazi za kazi zitakazokuwa zikitangazwa na mchakato wake kuweza kukasimiwa ni pamoja na Kada ya Wasaidizi wa ofisi, Wahudumu wa afya, Madereva, Maafisa Watendaji wa Kata, Mtaa, Kijiji, Wapishi, Walinzi, Madobi, Wasaidizi watunza kumbukumbu pamoja na Makatibu Muhtasi (walio chini ya cheo cha mwandishi mwendesha ofisi) au Kada zingine ambazo Katibu wa Sekretarieti ataona inafaa kukasimu.
1Aidha, nitoe ushauri kwa wanafunzi walioko shuleni na wanaotarajia kuingia vyuoni kuchukua masomo ama kozi za fani ya Afya, Elimu, Mifugo na Kilimo maana ni maeneo ambayo bado yana fursa nyingi za ajira Serikalini na wahitimu wake pindi wamalizapo wanapangiwa vituo vya kazi moja kwa moja bila ya kupitia mchakato wetu wa ajira kutokana na uhaba wa Wataalam wa fani hizo katika soko la ajira hivi sasa.
Sekretarieti ya Ajira katika kuhakikisha wananchi wanapata taarifa kwa haraka zaidi zinazohusu mchakato wa ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma, pamoja na kuboresha mawasiliano kati ya Ofisi yetu na wadau ili kuweza kuendana na mabadiliko ya sayansi na teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano nchini na duniani kwa ujumla, iliamua kuanzisha tovuti yake ( ambayo imerahisisha kwa kiasi kikubwa utoaji na upokeaji wa taarifa mbalimbali hususani za matangazo ya fursa za ajira taarifa nyingine zinazohusu masuala ya ajira Serikalini na matangazo mengine yanayohusu shughuli za Sekretarieti ya Ajira. Tangu kuzinduliwa mwezi Aprili, 2012 imeweza kutembelewa na wadau wapatao 3,017,410
Pamoja na tovuti Sekretarieti ya Ajira imeanzisha KANZIDATA (DATABASE) za aina tatu (3) ambazo ni Kanzidata ya Wahitimu wa Vyuo na Watalaam weledi, Kanzidata ya waliofaulu usaili na Kanzidata ya waliopangiwa vituo vya kazi.
Jambo lingine ambalo ningependa mkalifahamu ni kuwa, Sekretarieti ya Ajira iko katika hatua za awali za mchakato wa kuwawezesha waombaji wa fursa za ajira kuwasilisha maombi ya kazi kwa mfumo wa kielektroniki (e-application) kwa nafasi wazi zitakazokuwa zikitangazwa katika Utumishi wa Umma ili kurahisisha kupunguza mlolongo wa uendeshaji mchakato wa ajira ulivyo hivi sasa.
Mwisho nimalizie kwa kuwataka waombaji wa fursa za ajira kutokuchagua maeneo ya kufanyia kazi, hususani wale wanaopangiwa vituo vya kazi na Sekretarieti ya ajira na hawaendi kuripoti bila ya kutoa sababu za msingi maana Sekretarieti ya Ajira inaona hili ni kosa na inaandaa utaratibu wa kutowaruhusu kufanya usaili mwingine waombaji kama hao.
Imetolewa tarehe 12 Julai, 2013 na Riziki V. Abraham, Msemaji na Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasiliano Serikalini, Ofisi ya Rais Sekretarieti ya Ajira katika Utumishi wa Umma +255-68762497
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Mafuta ya Oki, Viking, Asma sasa marufuku
Shirika la Viwango (TBS) limepiga marufuku uuzaji, ununuzi na matumizi ya mafuta ya kula ya aina ya Oki, Viking na Asma baada ya kubainika kuwa hayana ubora na hatari kwa afya za watumiaji.
Kwa mujibu wa Tangazo lilitolewa na Shirika la Viwango nchini (TBS) kwa baadhi ya vyombo vya habari jana, yeyote atakayekiuka agizo hilo atachukuliwa hatua za kisheria kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Viwango Na. 2 ya mwaka 2009.
Tangazo hilo lilisema TBS ilinunua mafuta hayo yanayozalishwa nchini Malayasia na kuingizwa kupitia njia za panya, kusambazwa sokoni na kubainika kuwa hayajakidhi matakwa ya kiwango cha kimataifa TZS 559:2010 kinachotumiwa nchini.
“Matokeo ya uchunguzi wa sampuli zake yalibainika kuwa yameshaharibika kabla ya kufikia ukomo wa matumizi kutokana na kutosafishwa ipsavyo, ni machafu kutokana na kuchanganyika na maji hivyo vigezo vya ubora wa mafuta havikufikiwa.”
Kwa msingi huo, TBS imewataka wauzaji wa mafuta hayo kuyaondoa sokoni mara moja na wateja kuacha kuyanunua hadi hapo itakapothibitika kuwa yamefikia kiwango kinachotakiwa.
Awali NIPASHE ilichunguza na kubaini kuwa mafuta hayo hushushwa kwenye bandari bubu ya ufukwe wa Mbweni jijini Dar es Salaam na wafanyabiashara ambao pia walidaiwa kukwepa kulipa ushuru.
Kazi hiyo hufanywa bila kificho na baadhi ya waliozungumza na mwandishi wetu walieleza kuwa huenda kuna ushirikiano na maofisa wa vyombo vya dola wasio waaminifu.
Licha ya kukwepa kodi, pia mafuta hayo yamekuwa yakiuzwa kwa bei ya chini kati ya Sh. 38,000 na 45,000 kwa ujazo wa lita 20 na kuwaumiza wazalishaji wa mafuta ya ndani ambao huuza mafuta ya ujazo huo kwa kati ya Sh. 52,000 na 55,000.
Tofauti hiyo husababisha wenye viwanda vya ndani kushindwa kufanya biashara kutokana na mafuta hayo kukosa mshindani na kuzagaa sokoni.
Mafuta hayo yamekuwa yakitumiwa kwa wingi na wafanyabiashara hasa wakaanga chipsi kwa vile ndiyo mafuta ya bei nafuu.
Picha ya Mrembo Mellisa Edward aliyedakwa na madawa ya kulevya Afrika kusini akiwa na
Agness Masogange
Taarifa ya TFDA inayofafanua kuhusu matumizi ya mafuta ya mbegu za ubuyu
Mamlaka ya Chakula na
Dawa (TFDA) ni taasisi iliyoundwa chini ya Sheria ya Chakula Dawa na
Vipodozi Sura ya 219, ili kudhibiti ubora na usalama wa vyakula, dawa,
vipodozi, na vifaa tiba kwa lengo la kulinda afya ya jamii dhidi ya
madhara yatokanayo na matumizi ya bidhaa hizo.
Imefahamika kuwa mafuta yatokanayo na mimea hupendwa zaidi kuliko mafuta ya wanyama kutokana na manufaa yake kiafya. Ili mafuta ya mimea yaweze kukidhi vigezo vya ubora na usalama ni lazima yafanyiwe usafishaji (refining) wakati wa usindikaji.
Hivi karibuni kumekuwepo na ongezeko kubwa la matumizi ya bidhaa zinazotokana na ubuyu ikiwa ni pamoja na mafuta yanayotokana na mbegu, unga wa mbegu na majani ya mbuyu.
Taarifa za kisayansi zinaonesha kuwa mafuta ya ubuyu yana kiwango kikubwa cha tindikali ya mafuta aina ya
Imefahamika kuwa mafuta yatokanayo na mimea hupendwa zaidi kuliko mafuta ya wanyama kutokana na manufaa yake kiafya. Ili mafuta ya mimea yaweze kukidhi vigezo vya ubora na usalama ni lazima yafanyiwe usafishaji (refining) wakati wa usindikaji.
Hivi karibuni kumekuwepo na ongezeko kubwa la matumizi ya bidhaa zinazotokana na ubuyu ikiwa ni pamoja na mafuta yanayotokana na mbegu, unga wa mbegu na majani ya mbuyu.
Taarifa za kisayansi zinaonesha kuwa mafuta ya ubuyu yana kiwango kikubwa cha tindikali ya mafuta aina ya
fatty acids ambayo huweza kusababisha athari ya kiafya endapo mafuta
hayo yatatumika kama chakula. Kiwango cha tindikali ya cyclopropenoic
fatty acids huweza tu kupunguzwa katika mafuta ya mbegu za ubuyu kwa
kuchemsha mafuta hayo katika nyuzi joto 180 kwa muda wa saa nane (8) au
kwa kutumia teknolojia ya kutengeneza mafuta mgando (hydrogenation). Kwa
sasa hapa nchini hakuna aina ya usindikaji unaofanyika wenye uwezo wa
kuondoa tindikali ya cyclopropenoic fatty acids katika mafuta ya mbegu
za ubuyu.
Baadhi ya athari zinazoweza kutokana na matumizi ya mafuta ya ubuyu yenye tindikali ya cyclopropenoic fatty acids ni pamoja na kuathiri vimeng’enyo (enzymes) vinavyosaidia katika uchakataji wa tindikali za mafuta mwilini (fatty acid biosynthesis).
Aidha, taarifa za kisayansi zinaonesha kuwa matumizi ya mafuta yenye kiasi kikubwa cha cyclopropenoic fatty acids sanjari na matumizi ya vyakula vilivyochafuliwa na sumu kuvu aina ya aflatoxin B1 ambayo inazalishwa na ukungu (fungus) katika baadhi ya vyakula kama vile mahindi na karanga huongeza uwezekano wa kuugua saratani.
Hadi sasa hakuna kiwango chochote cha ubora na usalama cha kitaifa au kimataifa cha mafuta yatokanayo na mbegu za ubuyu. Ili kuepuka athari zinazoweza kujitokeza kutokana na matumizi ya mafuta ya mbegu za ubuyu, jamii inashauriwa kuepuka ulaji wa mafuta hayo.
Hata hivyo, tafiti za kisayansi hazijabainisha athari za kiafya zinazoweza kutokana na ulaji wa bidhaa nyingine zitokanazo na ubuyu kama vile unga wa ubuyu na majani ya mbuyu.
TFDA inatoa wito kwa wananchi na jamii kwa ujumla kushirikiana katika jukumu la kulinda afya za walaji kwa kutoa taarifa pale wanapouziwa au kuhisi kuwepo kwa chakula, dawa, vipodozi na vifaa tiba duni na bandia ambavyo havikidhi viwango vya usalama na ubora au pale sheria inapovunjwa ili hatua stahiki ziweze kuchukuliwa kwa wahusika.
Kwa maelezo zaidi usisite kuwasiliana nasi kupitia;
Mkurugenzi Mkuu,
Mamlaka ya Chakula na Dawa (TFDA)
Barabara ya Mandela, Mabibo External,
S.L.P 77150
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Simu: +255 22 2450512/2450751/2452108
Fax: +255 22 2450793
Barua pepe:
Baadhi ya athari zinazoweza kutokana na matumizi ya mafuta ya ubuyu yenye tindikali ya cyclopropenoic fatty acids ni pamoja na kuathiri vimeng’enyo (enzymes) vinavyosaidia katika uchakataji wa tindikali za mafuta mwilini (fatty acid biosynthesis).
Aidha, taarifa za kisayansi zinaonesha kuwa matumizi ya mafuta yenye kiasi kikubwa cha cyclopropenoic fatty acids sanjari na matumizi ya vyakula vilivyochafuliwa na sumu kuvu aina ya aflatoxin B1 ambayo inazalishwa na ukungu (fungus) katika baadhi ya vyakula kama vile mahindi na karanga huongeza uwezekano wa kuugua saratani.
Hadi sasa hakuna kiwango chochote cha ubora na usalama cha kitaifa au kimataifa cha mafuta yatokanayo na mbegu za ubuyu. Ili kuepuka athari zinazoweza kujitokeza kutokana na matumizi ya mafuta ya mbegu za ubuyu, jamii inashauriwa kuepuka ulaji wa mafuta hayo.
Hata hivyo, tafiti za kisayansi hazijabainisha athari za kiafya zinazoweza kutokana na ulaji wa bidhaa nyingine zitokanazo na ubuyu kama vile unga wa ubuyu na majani ya mbuyu.
TFDA inatoa wito kwa wananchi na jamii kwa ujumla kushirikiana katika jukumu la kulinda afya za walaji kwa kutoa taarifa pale wanapouziwa au kuhisi kuwepo kwa chakula, dawa, vipodozi na vifaa tiba duni na bandia ambavyo havikidhi viwango vya usalama na ubora au pale sheria inapovunjwa ili hatua stahiki ziweze kuchukuliwa kwa wahusika.
Kwa maelezo zaidi usisite kuwasiliana nasi kupitia;
Mkurugenzi Mkuu,
Mamlaka ya Chakula na Dawa (TFDA)
Barabara ya Mandela, Mabibo External,
S.L.P 77150
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Simu: +255 22 2450512/2450751/2452108
Fax: +255 22 2450793
Barua pepe:
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
UNC professor resigns academic chairman post
UNC professor Julius Nyang'oro, chairman of UNC-CH African and Afro-American studies.
HARRY LYNCH — 2000 N&O file photo
A UNC-Chapel Hill department chairman at the center of
questions regarding academic integrity within the university's football
program has resigned from the position, university officials said
UNC-CH Chancellor Holden Thorp said in a statement that Julius Nyang'oro, who headed the Department of African and Afro-American Studies, has resigned as the university looks at "possible irregularities with courses that included undergraduate students."
"Because academic integrity is paramount, we have every obligation to get to the bottom of these issues," Thorp said.
UNC officials said the irregularities involved student-athletes and other students. They declined to provide further details.
Nyang'oro will continue to teach at the university. His salary will be reduced $12,000 to $159,000.
The university said that it had notified the NCAA of the resignation and the possible irregularities, but said no student-athletes would be held out of games.
The resignation follows reports in The News & Observer that raised questions about Nyang'oro's connections to football players and the athletic department.
Last week, The N&O reported that Nyang'oro had hired a sports agent to teach a summer class this year without telling his boss, Arts and Sciences Dean Karen Gil, about the agent's profession. The sports agent, Carl Carey Jr., who earned his doctorate at UNC-CH and had served as an adviser to football players there, was representing two football players at the time he taught the class. No football players took the class, according to the athletic department.
Nyang'oro's handling of two football players who took his classes also has drawn attention
UNC-CH Chancellor Holden Thorp said in a statement that Julius Nyang'oro, who headed the Department of African and Afro-American Studies, has resigned as the university looks at "possible irregularities with courses that included undergraduate students."
"Because academic integrity is paramount, we have every obligation to get to the bottom of these issues," Thorp said.
UNC officials said the irregularities involved student-athletes and other students. They declined to provide further details.
Nyang'oro will continue to teach at the university. His salary will be reduced $12,000 to $159,000.
The university said that it had notified the NCAA of the resignation and the possible irregularities, but said no student-athletes would be held out of games.
The resignation follows reports in The News & Observer that raised questions about Nyang'oro's connections to football players and the athletic department.
Last week, The N&O reported that Nyang'oro had hired a sports agent to teach a summer class this year without telling his boss, Arts and Sciences Dean Karen Gil, about the agent's profession. The sports agent, Carl Carey Jr., who earned his doctorate at UNC-CH and had served as an adviser to football players there, was representing two football players at the time he taught the class. No football players took the class, according to the athletic department.
Nyang'oro's handling of two football players who took his classes also has drawn attention
He missed a blatant case of plagiarism in a paper submitted by one football player, Michael McAdoo, who was later given an F in the class by the university's honor court.His department allowed incoming freshman Marvin Austin, a prized recruit, to take a 400-level class taught by Nyang'oro before Austin had taken introductory classes that included a remedial writing class. Austin received a B plus.
Both football players were kicked off the team last year as part of an NCAA investigation into academic misconduct and impermissible benefits from sports agents and their go-betweens. Carey is not among the agents found to have given players illegal gifts.
Allegations of NCAA violations include an assistant coach taking money from an agent, a former UNC football player whom the NCAA considers an agent with access to players in the weight room, and numerous athletes accepting trips, parties and other perks from agents. That inquiry into impermissible benefits and academic misconduct forced 14 players to miss at least one game last season, and seven sat out the entire season.
In July, Thorp fired football coach Butch Davis and accepted the retirement of Athletic Director Dick Baddour. UNC-CH has until Sept. 19 to respond to an NCAA notice of allegations, and is scheduled to appear before the association's infractions committee on Oct. 28.
After McAdoo's plagiarism was discovered by N.C. State University fans, and confirmed by The N&O, Thorp acknowledged that the university had missed it. But he continued to stand behind Nyang'oro, calling him a "great colleague."
Thorp was Nyang'oro's supervisor as dean of the Arts and Sciences college from July 2007 to May 2008, when Thorp became chancellor.
According to an academic resume, Nyang'oro began teaching at UNC-CH in 1984 as a visiting professor. He was hired as a professor six years later and became chairman of African and Afro-American studies in 1992.
His resume lists two teaching honors - one from undergraduate students for the 1990-91 academic year, and the outstanding faculty award from the Class of 2000 - and four pages of published books and articles.
Before the resignation, James Peacock, a UNC-CH anthropology professor and former faculty chairman, called Nyang'oro "one of the finest human beings and teachers and administrators whom I have ever known. Period. I don't really know anything about the situation with the plagiarism and all the rest, but whatever he has done in that area, and I don't know anything about it, should be balanced (with) his superb contributions in so many other ways."
Nyang'oro, 56, has a law degree from Duke University, and master's and doctoral degrees from the University of Miami, according to his resume. He received his bachelor's degree from a university in Tanzania. As chairman, he oversaw a staff of 22.
Nyang'oro had not responded to numerous requests for interviews over several weeks. Reached at his office Thursday, he declined to comment and referred a reporter to the university administration.
Thorp said professor Evelyne Huber will serve as the interim chairman for the African and Afro-American studies department. She is also chairman of the political science department.
Staff writer Ken Tysiac and news researcher David Raynor contributed. or 919-829-4861
Read more here:
I will Just Wait For You At the Right Place And I will Hit You, Rwandan General Paul Kagame Threatens Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete
“Those people [Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete] you just heard siding with Interahamwe and FDLR and urging negotiations… negotiations? Me, I do not even discuss this topic, because I will just wait for you [Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete] at the right place and I will hit you! He[Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete] did not deserve my answer. I did not waste my time answering him…It is well known. There is a line you cannot cross, there is a line, a line that you should never cross. It is impossible…”“
It is in these ominous terms that the Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame threatened to get even with Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, while addressing Rwandan Youth on June 30, 2013 during a summit called “Youth Konnect”“, sponsored by his wife, Janet Kagame.
Relations between Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete and Rwandan leaders have soured in the last weeks. On several occasions Rwandan leaders called the Tanzanian President “a genocide and terrorist sympathizer”, “ignorant”, “arrogant”, and “mediocre leader”. The relations have deteriorated following the recommendation by President Jakaya Kikwete of open negotiations between Rwandan, Ugandan and Congolese leaders and their respective armed opposition in order to bring durable peace and security in the African Great Lakes region.
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companies take a closer look at investing and doing Business in Africa (
sub- Saharan)
Blue prints shows that China is the new occupant or better business partners to Africa! Turkey is also aggressively penetrating Africa but surprisingly Germans who were reluctant in the past are also focusing on west and east Africa. Cultural difference, mindset, language, trade regulations amongst others use to be the main barriers to market entry but that the past.
International African Festival Tübingen, Germany breaks these barriers offering African Entrepreneurs in and out of Africa an opportunity to meet and make contacts with German companies. The Festival takes place this
year from 8th to the 11th of August 2013 in Tübingen, Germany.
The main core of this festival is the Business conference which takes place on the 9th of August from 2 -5pm. This conference organized in collaboration with the chamber of commerce and industry, is a platform where German and African experts gives talks on successful business in Africa. This forum is open to all African entrepreneurs in and out of Africa, it’s a platform for Business, contacts and networking as the main audience are German and African entrepreneurs, NGOS, Financial institutions and many more
Hot topics will include amongst others
Contact us: / k
Tel: +49-152-106-10374
Blue prints shows that China is the new occupant or better business partners to Africa! Turkey is also aggressively penetrating Africa but surprisingly Germans who were reluctant in the past are also focusing on west and east Africa. Cultural difference, mindset, language, trade regulations amongst others use to be the main barriers to market entry but that the past.
International African Festival Tübingen, Germany breaks these barriers offering African Entrepreneurs in and out of Africa an opportunity to meet and make contacts with German companies. The Festival takes place this
year from 8th to the 11th of August 2013 in Tübingen, Germany.
The main core of this festival is the Business conference which takes place on the 9th of August from 2 -5pm. This conference organized in collaboration with the chamber of commerce and industry, is a platform where German and African experts gives talks on successful business in Africa. This forum is open to all African entrepreneurs in and out of Africa, it’s a platform for Business, contacts and networking as the main audience are German and African entrepreneurs, NGOS, Financial institutions and many more
Hot topics will include amongst others
- Sub-Saharan African market entry strategies (Renewable energy, Infrastructure, Agriculture..
- A successful investment plan for your business
- Financing and Export! Where to get money?
Security and recent development in Africa
- Water solution for Africa
Contact us: / k
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Brazil, Neymar amemtaka mshambuliaji wa Manchester United, Wayne Rooney
kufikiri kuhamia Barcelona, akisema itakuwa ni ndito kucheza na
mshambuliaji huyo wa England.
Neymar, ambaye mwenyewe amejiunga na
timu hiyo ya Katalunya mapema majira haya ya joto kwa dau la Pauni
Milioni 48.6 kutoka Santos ya Brazil, ameitaja Camp Nou kama kituo
sahihi kwa mchezaji mwenye kipaji kama Rooney. Neymar mmoja wa wachezaji w Brazil walioshinda kombe la Mabara.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Rais Barack Obama awasili Tanzania

Obama akiwa na mwenyeji wake Rais wa Tanzania Jakaya Kikwete
Rais wa Marekani akicheza muziki wa band wakati alipotua uwanjani
Ziara ya Obama inasemekana kulenga kuimarisha uhusiano wa kibiashara na Afrika huku kukiwa na wasiwasi kuwa Marekani inaachwa nyuma na China katika uhusiano wao na Afrika.
Obama amewasili Tanzania baada ya ziara yake ya Afrika Kusini ambako rais mstaafu Nelson Mandela anaugua.
Rais wa Tanzania Jakaya Kikwete na familia yake pamoja na maafisa wake wa serikali na wacheza densi za kitamaduni walimkaribisha Obama na familia yake mjini Dar es Salaam.
Baadhi ya wananchi wa Tanzania kupitia mitandao ya kijamii wamekosoa ziara ya Obama katika nchi yao, wakisema kuwa ziara yake imeathiri shughuli za maisha yao ya kila siku.
Obama alitembelea Senegal kabla ya kupitia Afrika Kusini na kisha Tanzania ambako ziara yake ya Afrika inaishia kabla ya kurejea Marekani
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Keys to Family Happiness
Dealing With In-Laws
Jenny * says: Ryan’s mother wasn’t shy about expressing her disapproval of me. But then it wasn’t much better for Ryan when it came to my parents. In fact, I had never seen them act so rudely to anyone! Visiting parents on either side of the family came to be a stressful ordeal for both of us.
Ryan says: My mother never thought anyone was good enough for her children, so she found fault with Jenny right from the start. And Jenny’s parents were the same with me —they constantly put me down. The problem is, after such incidents Jenny and I would defend our own parents and criticize each other.
Ryan says: My mother never thought anyone was good enough for her children, so she found fault with Jenny right from the start. And Jenny’s parents were the same with me
CONFLICT with in-laws may be grist for the mill for comedians, but in real life it is no laughing matter. “For years, my mother-in-law interfered in our marriage,” says Reena, a wife in India. “Often, I vented my anger on my husband because I could not do that to his mother. It seemed as if he constantly had to choose between being a good husband and being a good son.”
Why do some in-laws interfere in the lives of their married children? Jenny, quoted at the outset, suggests one possibility. “It may be difficult for them to see someone young and inexperienced become responsible for taking care of their son or daughter,” she says. Dilip, Reena’s husband, takes it a step further. “Parents who have sacrificed for and nurtured their child may feel that they are being sidelined,” he says. “They could also be genuinely worried that their son or daughter lacks the wisdom to make the marriage a success.”
To be fair, sometimes the in-laws are invited to interfere. For example, consider Michael and Leanne, a married couple in Australia. “Leanne came from a close-knit family where everyone discussed things openly,” Michael says. “So after we got married, she would consult her father on decisions that she and I really needed to make. Her father had much wisdom to share, but I was hurt that she would go to him instead of to me!”
Clearly, issues with in-laws can put stress on a marriage. Is that true in your case? How do you get along with your spouse’s parents, and how does your spouse get along with yours? Consider two challenges that could arise and what you can do about them.
Your spouse seems overly attached to his or her parents. “My wife felt that if we didn’t live near her parents, she would be disloyal to them,” says a husband in Spain named Luis. “On the other hand,” he adds, “when our son was born, my parents came to visit almost every day, leaving my wife stressed. This caused a number of conflicts between us.”
The issues:
Describing the marriage arrangement, the Bible says that in time “a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) Being “one flesh” implies more than merely living together. Really, it means that a husband and wife form a new family —one that takes priority over their families of origin. (1 Corinthians 11:3) Of course, both husband and wife still need to honor their parents, and often that entails giving them attention. (Ephesians 6:2) What if the way your spouse handles that responsibility leaves you feeling ignored or neglected
What you can do:
Look at the situation objectively. Is your spouse really too attached, or could it be that you simply do not have the same type of relationship with your parents? If that is the case, what bearing might your family background have on your view of the situation? Could a measure of jealousy on your part be involved? —Proverbs 14:30; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:26.
It takes honest self-examination to answer such questions. But it is important that you do so. After all, if in-law issues are a constant source of contention between you and your spouse, then what you really have is a marriage problem —not an in-law problem.
Many marriage problems arise because no two partners share precisely the same view of a matter. Can you try to see things from your mate’s perspective? (Philippians 2:4; 4:5) That is what a husband in Mexico named Adrián did. “My wife was raised in a negative family environment,” he says, “so I avoided close association with my in-laws. Eventually I refused to have any association with them at all —for years. This caused conflict within our marriage because my wife still wanted to be close to her family, especially her mother.”
In time, Adrián took a balanced position on the matter. “Although I know that too much contact with her parents has a negative effect on my wife emotionally, no contact at all can also lead to problems,” he says. “To the extent possible, I have tried to restore and maintain a good relationship with my in-laws.” *
TRY THIS: You and your spouse write down what you believe is the primary concern regarding in-laws. If possible, start with “I feel that . . .” Then exchange papers. Together, in a spirit of teamwork, brainstorm ways that you can address each other’s concerns.
Your in-laws constantly interfere in your marriage, giving unsolicited advice. “The first seven years of our marriage were spent with my husband’s family,” says a wife in Kazakhstan named Nelya. “Conflicts continually arose over how we raised our children as well as over such issues as my cooking and cleaning. I talked to my husband and my mother-in-law about it, but this only led to more conflict!”
The issues:
When you marry, you are no longer under the authority of your parents. Instead, the Bible states that “the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man” —that is, her husband. (1 Corinthians 11:3) Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, both husband and wife should honor their parents. In fact, Proverbs 23:22 tells us: “Listen to your father who caused your birth, and do not despise your mother just because she has grown old.” But what if your parents —or your mate’s parents— cross the line and try to impose their views?
source :Awake magazine
What you can do:
In a spirit of empathy, try to discern the motive behind the seeming intrusion. “In some cases parents need to know that they are still important in the lives of their children,” says Ryan, quoted at the outset. Such interference may not be deliberate and can probably be handled by applying the Bible’s admonition to “continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another.” (Colossians 3:13) But what if interference from your in-laws has become serious enough to cause conflict between you and your spouse?
Some married couples have learned to establish appropriate boundaries with their parents. This does not mean that you have to lay down the law to them. * Often, it is just a matter of making it clear by your actions that your mate comes first in your life. For example, a husband in Japan named Masayuki says: “Even if parents express their views, don’t just agree right away. Remember, you are building a new family unit. So first find out how your mate feels about the advice.”
TRY THIS: Discuss with your spouse in what specific ways parental interference is causing conflict in your marriage. Together, write down what boundaries you can set and how you will protect them while still showing honor for your parents.
Many conflicts with in-laws can be alleviated by discerning their motives and by refusing to allow these conflicts to cause contention between you and your spouse. In this regard, Jenny admits: “Sometimes the discussions between my husband and me about our parents were fairly emotional, and it was readily apparent that a great deal of pain could be inflicted by talking about the imperfections of the parents on both sides. Eventually, though, we learned to stop using the imperfections of our in-laws as a club but to deal with the problem at hand. As a result, we have become much closer as husband and wife
Friday, June 28, 2013
The open University Of Tanzania awarded president Obama an Honorary Doctorate Degree
The Honourable Chancellor of The Open University of Tanzania, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro
has approved the award of an Honorary Doctorate Degree of The Open University of
Tanzania Doctor of Letters (D.Litt) honoris causa to His Excellency The President of The
United States of America, Barack Obama for his outstanding contribution to humanity and
in particular in the field of Community Economic Development (CED). President Obama
will be the fifth President to be awarded the Honorary Doctorate Degree by The
Other distinguished OUT Alumni include the late Father of the Nation Mwalimu Julius
Nyerere, The former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela, The former President of
the United Republic of Tanzania Benjamin William Mkapa and the second President of the
United Republic of Tanzania Alli Hassan Mwinyi. To date, OUT has awarded a total of
seven (7) Honorary Degrees that have also been previously awarded to Dr. Jane Goodall
and a UK Professor of Telecommunications David Mellor.
The Open University was the first University to introduce postgraduate studies in
Community Economic Development in Tanzania in the year 2001 when it started offering a
Master of Science Degree in Community Development of The Southern New Hampshire
University (SNHU) of USA. In the academic year 2009/10, the Open University of Tanzania
started awarding its own Masters Degree (Master of Economic Community Development,
MCED) following conclusion of the capacity building phase that was supported by the
SNHU. In the next academic year i.e. 2013/14, OUT expects to start awarding Certificates,
a Bachelor Degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Community Economic Development due
to the popular demand of such training skills in Tanzania
The University is however not yet sure if it will be able to award the honorary degree to HE
during his imminent visit to Tanzania but if it does not get the opportunity to do so, it will
use other means to confer HE President Barack Obama the Honorary Degree.
Prepared by The Office of The Vice Chancellor
The Open University of Tanzania
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
27th June 2013
Tanzania Told to Sever Link With Monsanto
Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete is an enthusiastic supporter of
Monsanto, but now pressure is mounting on his government to reject GMO
technologies as solutions to end hunger
Normally Tanzanian lawmakers would 'prove' their radicalism by blasting rival parties, state authorities, public corporations or ministers for shoddy work done or millions that go missing. They would hardly ever take a swipe at a multinational corporation, much less an American one.
Yet that is what happened recently when Hon Halima Mdee (Chadema) called upon the government to sever its relations with the international seed company Monsanto, which is a major stakeholder in the country's campaign for a green revolution.
She reminded the government that the firm had caused farmers misery and suffering in many countries, including the US, where it is based.
The company, known for the production of genetically modified seeds, has been blacklisted in India, Argentina, Chile and eight European countries because the seeds it sells to farmers at high prices have been a disaster, prompting some nations to institute legal action against it, Ms Mdee said.
'Last year the company committed $50 billion to producing seeds for Africa, but the firm is known around the world as a major producer of genetically modified seeds, which are harmful to farmers and the environment,' she cautioned
Ms Mdee suspected that given the company's bad reputation, President Jakaya Kikwete might have been misinformed by his aides. 'This is because we know that these large multinationals have a tendency to use their financial muscle to compromise government leaders.'
Shadow Agriculture Minister Rose Kamili noted that India has banned the use of cotton seeds produced by Monsanto after research established that they were a threat to farmers and the environment.
In fact more than 1,000 farmers had committed suicide as a result of debts resulting from buying seeds from Monsanto at high prices.
The points brought up by the two ladies hardly triggered any reaction or rejoinder. Probably the lawmakers were not well informed of the subject matter, or they were not too keen to irritate the conglomerates who promote genetically modified organisms (GMO) and the donor agencies that back them.
Yet the debate is no doubt raging within the civil society, among groups that are running concerted campaigns against GMO. But they are not having an easy ride, for Monsanto is applying pressure in the country for amendment to regulations so as to allow GMO.
They are using local scientists and researchers as well as state bigwigs. The firm reportedly provides all the means, from laboratory to foreign travels. In the course of doing this, they manage to get local spokespersons and mouthpieces.
Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity is not among them. This is a joint coalition that is trying to maintain agricultural biodiversity for food sovereignty and security. It aims at sustainable development, promoting self-determination and facilitating exchange of information and experiences among farmers.
Alliance members are convinced that the introduction of GM crops or animals is not the right solution to poverty and hunger as claimed by the likes of Monsanto.
They are concerned that while Tanzania has so far been GM free, the country has now opened the door to GM biotechnology.
The Alliance has collected various campaigners, including African Centre for Biodiversity, ActionAid International Tanzania, Biolands, BioRe, BioSustain, Envirocare, PELUM Tanzania, Swissaid, and Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement.
They join similar movements in South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda, to resist the pressure from the US-driven biotech industry.
On the other side, agribusiness corporations try their level best to promote what they claim to be high-tech miracle seeds for solving the problem of African food insecurity and poverty.
One supporter they apparently managed to bag is none other than President Jakaya Kikwete himself who, in March this year, came out in defence of Monsantos, heaping the blame on those who challenge them, saying they are 'uninformed' and so need to educate themselves.
He called for a transformation of the 'negative mindset' on the adoption of GM technology in the country, challenging scientists in the country to conduct research to establish the 'practicality of the technology', stressing that as long as there are 'no proven major negative impacts', he saw no logic in opposing the application of the technology.
His prime minister, Mizengo Pinda, also accused those who oppose GMO of being 'slow in accepting the opportunity' offered by the technology, claiming that Kenya and Uganda are 'far ahead of us in its application'.
Thus, at the official level Tanzania supports the plan to conduct research on genetically modified crops in the country. The agriculture minister said that Tanzania was aimed at keeping up with the new technology in order to modernise agriculture and promote balanced economic growth.
He said the time for being rigid on the use of GMOs was over.
Nothing is being said about the decision taken by the European Union, who banned GMO crops on grounds such as pesticide resistance and threats to biodiversity or potential negative effects on the environment.
What the Tanzanian and African apologists of GMO have to keep in mind is that traditionally the seed and its control has been the foundation of their agricultural sector. After all some 80% of seed comes from local and communal resources and is adapted to local conditions. It is thus an integral part of the communal food security and agricultural integrity. With the onslaught of GMO this traditional system is undermined.
This is what happens when commercial interests, supported by the World Bank, together with front organisations and self styled philanthropists, attempt to alienate this crucial resource.
This is done by giant multi-national seed and pesticide companies that are promoting hybrid and genetically modified seed. While they claim to assist the development of African agriculture, the end result is disastrous.
One example is the South African seed industry - the biggest in Africa - whose deal was recently sealed when the country's court permitted the sale of its last remaining large seed company, Pannar, to the US multinational Pioneer, a subsidiary of DuPont. With this the US firm is to take over Pannar's African network.
It means South Africa's valuable seed industry is grabbed by world's two largest US seed companies that are to use South Africa to gain inroads into Africa, with serious consequences for indigenous seed networks.
Meanwhile, organisations like the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) claim that new seed being developed for Africa will be freely distributed to smallholder farmers.
What happens is that these giant seed corporates transfer the experience of South America to Africa. In South America the herbicide-resistant GM soya that was patented by Monsanto was surreptitiously encouraged.
When the soy industry became widespread, Monsanto started to claim royalties on all the soy grown, since it established the right to its intellectual property. Luckily the attempts in Brazil were overruled in the courts and Monsanto was ordered to refund billions of dollars to farmers.
It is practice such as this that prompted the online campaign run by Avaaz for a global petition aiming at exposing Monsanto's worldwide grip, cautioning that the mega-company is gradually taking over our global food supply, poisoning our politics and putting the planet's food future in serious danger.
The petition shows how Monsanto develops pesticides and genetically modified seeds, patents the seeds, prohibits farmers from replanting their seeds year to year, then sends undercover agents out to investigate and sue farmers who don't comply.
The firm spends millions lobbying US government officials, contributing to their political campaigns, then works with them to push Monsanto goods into markets across the world.
Monsanto is trampling small farmers and small businesses as vast 'monoculture' farms of single crops leech the land of nutrients, diminish genetic diversity, and create dependency on fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.
'Monsanto's power in the US gives them a launch pad to dominate across the world. But brave farmers and activists from the EU, to Brazil, to India and Canada are resisting and starting to win,' Avaaz proclaims.
The online petition shows how farmers are lured into multi-year contracts, then seed prices rise, and they have to buy new seed each season and use more herbicides to keep out 'super weeds'. In India, the situation is so dire that one cotton area has been called 'the suicide belt', as tens of thousands of the poorest farmers have taken their lives to escape crippling debt.
It is not surprising, therefore, that, at the end of November 2012, Kenya banned the importation of genetically modified food on health grounds.
A stormy public 'debate' ensued. There were those on the side of 'modernity' and 'science', denouncing the lack of 'scientific evidence' among their opponents.
Such defence of GMO is not surprising. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research provides USD $25 million annually to biotechnology research globally. At the same time bilateral aid agencies - especially from the United States - provide 60 per cent of research funding for biotechnology.
Private philanthropic foundations are also involved in funding the research. They include the Howard Buffet Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Multinational biotechnology companies, including Monsanto and Syngenta, also chip in.
In so doing they try to stymie the debate that is going on globally. However, they only succeed in extending the battle against GMO to Africa, where farmers are putting up a strong resistance to so-called modernity.
Normally Tanzanian lawmakers would 'prove' their radicalism by blasting rival parties, state authorities, public corporations or ministers for shoddy work done or millions that go missing. They would hardly ever take a swipe at a multinational corporation, much less an American one.
Yet that is what happened recently when Hon Halima Mdee (Chadema) called upon the government to sever its relations with the international seed company Monsanto, which is a major stakeholder in the country's campaign for a green revolution.
She reminded the government that the firm had caused farmers misery and suffering in many countries, including the US, where it is based.
The company, known for the production of genetically modified seeds, has been blacklisted in India, Argentina, Chile and eight European countries because the seeds it sells to farmers at high prices have been a disaster, prompting some nations to institute legal action against it, Ms Mdee said.
'Last year the company committed $50 billion to producing seeds for Africa, but the firm is known around the world as a major producer of genetically modified seeds, which are harmful to farmers and the environment,' she cautioned
Ms Mdee suspected that given the company's bad reputation, President Jakaya Kikwete might have been misinformed by his aides. 'This is because we know that these large multinationals have a tendency to use their financial muscle to compromise government leaders.'
Shadow Agriculture Minister Rose Kamili noted that India has banned the use of cotton seeds produced by Monsanto after research established that they were a threat to farmers and the environment.
In fact more than 1,000 farmers had committed suicide as a result of debts resulting from buying seeds from Monsanto at high prices.
The points brought up by the two ladies hardly triggered any reaction or rejoinder. Probably the lawmakers were not well informed of the subject matter, or they were not too keen to irritate the conglomerates who promote genetically modified organisms (GMO) and the donor agencies that back them.
Yet the debate is no doubt raging within the civil society, among groups that are running concerted campaigns against GMO. But they are not having an easy ride, for Monsanto is applying pressure in the country for amendment to regulations so as to allow GMO.
They are using local scientists and researchers as well as state bigwigs. The firm reportedly provides all the means, from laboratory to foreign travels. In the course of doing this, they manage to get local spokespersons and mouthpieces.
Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity is not among them. This is a joint coalition that is trying to maintain agricultural biodiversity for food sovereignty and security. It aims at sustainable development, promoting self-determination and facilitating exchange of information and experiences among farmers.
Alliance members are convinced that the introduction of GM crops or animals is not the right solution to poverty and hunger as claimed by the likes of Monsanto.
They are concerned that while Tanzania has so far been GM free, the country has now opened the door to GM biotechnology.
The Alliance has collected various campaigners, including African Centre for Biodiversity, ActionAid International Tanzania, Biolands, BioRe, BioSustain, Envirocare, PELUM Tanzania, Swissaid, and Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement.
They join similar movements in South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda, to resist the pressure from the US-driven biotech industry.
On the other side, agribusiness corporations try their level best to promote what they claim to be high-tech miracle seeds for solving the problem of African food insecurity and poverty.
One supporter they apparently managed to bag is none other than President Jakaya Kikwete himself who, in March this year, came out in defence of Monsantos, heaping the blame on those who challenge them, saying they are 'uninformed' and so need to educate themselves.
He called for a transformation of the 'negative mindset' on the adoption of GM technology in the country, challenging scientists in the country to conduct research to establish the 'practicality of the technology', stressing that as long as there are 'no proven major negative impacts', he saw no logic in opposing the application of the technology.
His prime minister, Mizengo Pinda, also accused those who oppose GMO of being 'slow in accepting the opportunity' offered by the technology, claiming that Kenya and Uganda are 'far ahead of us in its application'.
Thus, at the official level Tanzania supports the plan to conduct research on genetically modified crops in the country. The agriculture minister said that Tanzania was aimed at keeping up with the new technology in order to modernise agriculture and promote balanced economic growth.
He said the time for being rigid on the use of GMOs was over.
Nothing is being said about the decision taken by the European Union, who banned GMO crops on grounds such as pesticide resistance and threats to biodiversity or potential negative effects on the environment.
What the Tanzanian and African apologists of GMO have to keep in mind is that traditionally the seed and its control has been the foundation of their agricultural sector. After all some 80% of seed comes from local and communal resources and is adapted to local conditions. It is thus an integral part of the communal food security and agricultural integrity. With the onslaught of GMO this traditional system is undermined.
This is what happens when commercial interests, supported by the World Bank, together with front organisations and self styled philanthropists, attempt to alienate this crucial resource.
This is done by giant multi-national seed and pesticide companies that are promoting hybrid and genetically modified seed. While they claim to assist the development of African agriculture, the end result is disastrous.
One example is the South African seed industry - the biggest in Africa - whose deal was recently sealed when the country's court permitted the sale of its last remaining large seed company, Pannar, to the US multinational Pioneer, a subsidiary of DuPont. With this the US firm is to take over Pannar's African network.
It means South Africa's valuable seed industry is grabbed by world's two largest US seed companies that are to use South Africa to gain inroads into Africa, with serious consequences for indigenous seed networks.
Meanwhile, organisations like the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) claim that new seed being developed for Africa will be freely distributed to smallholder farmers.
What happens is that these giant seed corporates transfer the experience of South America to Africa. In South America the herbicide-resistant GM soya that was patented by Monsanto was surreptitiously encouraged.
When the soy industry became widespread, Monsanto started to claim royalties on all the soy grown, since it established the right to its intellectual property. Luckily the attempts in Brazil were overruled in the courts and Monsanto was ordered to refund billions of dollars to farmers.
It is practice such as this that prompted the online campaign run by Avaaz for a global petition aiming at exposing Monsanto's worldwide grip, cautioning that the mega-company is gradually taking over our global food supply, poisoning our politics and putting the planet's food future in serious danger.
The petition shows how Monsanto develops pesticides and genetically modified seeds, patents the seeds, prohibits farmers from replanting their seeds year to year, then sends undercover agents out to investigate and sue farmers who don't comply.
The firm spends millions lobbying US government officials, contributing to their political campaigns, then works with them to push Monsanto goods into markets across the world.
Monsanto is trampling small farmers and small businesses as vast 'monoculture' farms of single crops leech the land of nutrients, diminish genetic diversity, and create dependency on fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.
'Monsanto's power in the US gives them a launch pad to dominate across the world. But brave farmers and activists from the EU, to Brazil, to India and Canada are resisting and starting to win,' Avaaz proclaims.
The online petition shows how farmers are lured into multi-year contracts, then seed prices rise, and they have to buy new seed each season and use more herbicides to keep out 'super weeds'. In India, the situation is so dire that one cotton area has been called 'the suicide belt', as tens of thousands of the poorest farmers have taken their lives to escape crippling debt.
It is not surprising, therefore, that, at the end of November 2012, Kenya banned the importation of genetically modified food on health grounds.
A stormy public 'debate' ensued. There were those on the side of 'modernity' and 'science', denouncing the lack of 'scientific evidence' among their opponents.
Such defence of GMO is not surprising. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research provides USD $25 million annually to biotechnology research globally. At the same time bilateral aid agencies - especially from the United States - provide 60 per cent of research funding for biotechnology.
Private philanthropic foundations are also involved in funding the research. They include the Howard Buffet Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Multinational biotechnology companies, including Monsanto and Syngenta, also chip in.
In so doing they try to stymie the debate that is going on globally. However, they only succeed in extending the battle against GMO to Africa, where farmers are putting up a strong resistance to so-called modernity.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje, Bernard Membe amewashauri watu walioko
mikoani kusitisha safari za kuja Dar es Salaam wakati wa ziara ya Rais
wa Marekani, Barrack Obama kutokana na wingi wa wageni katika jiji
Ugeni huo pamoja na ule wa viongozi kumi na moja kutoka
nchi mbalimbali duniani watakaohudhuria mkutano wa kimataifa wa Smart
Partnership utakaofunguliwa kesho na Rais Jakaya Kikwete kwenye Ukumbi
wa Mikutano wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere, umesababisha kuimarishwa
kwa ulinzi katika maeneo mbalimbali hasa katika hoteli za kitalii
ambazo zimeanza utaratibu wa upekuzi kwa wageni wake.
Akizungumza na katika mahojiano na Redio ya Clouds jana, Membe alisema jiji limefurika kwa wingi wa wageni.
na nyumba za wageni zimefurika wageni na magari mengi yamekodiwa. Kwa
ujumla, huduma za kijamii zitakuwa shida,” alisema.
Obama na mkewe Michelle watawasili nchini Jumatatu na tayari wapambe na
maofisa usalama kutokana Marekani wameanza kuwasili. Mbali ya ujio
huo, wake wa marais kutoka nchi 14 za Afrika watakaokutana na Laura
Bush, mke wa Rais wa zamani wa Marekani, George Bush. Pia Michelle
atahudhuria mkutano huo utakaofanyika Jumanne na Jumatano ijayo.
“Jiji la Dar es Salaam litakuwa na mambo mengi kwa hiyo wale wenye kuja kutaka kustarehe wafute safari zao,” alisema na kuongeza: “Kama kuna watu ambao hawapo Dar es Salaam na hawana sababu za kuja mjini waache tu mpaka wageni watakapoondoka kwa sababu jiji la litakuwa limejaa na baadhi ya barabara zitachukuliwa zitumike na wageni hao.”
katika kipindi cha siku tano zijazo, baadhi ya barabara za Jiji la Dar
es Salaam zitakuwa na shughuli nyingi na nyingine zitalazimika
kufungwa. Barabara itakayofungwa ni pamoja na ile ya Mwai Kibaki na ile
ya Bagamoyo itakuwa na shughuli nyingi pia wakati Michelle
atakapokwenda Jumba la Makumbusho, Jumanne ijayo.
Wasafiri wa mikoani
wa mikoani wataathirika zaidi Jumanne ijayo wakati Rais Obama
atakapokwenda kutembelea mitambo ya kufua umeme ya Kampuni ya Symbion
Kituo hicho kipo Barabara ya Morogoro, ambayo ndiyo inayotumiwa na magari yanayoingia na kutoka mikoani.
Obama atakwenda katika kituo hicho yapata saa 4.00 asubuhi na kwa
kiasi kikubwa itaathiri magari ya usafirishaji wa mizigo na abiria
yatakayokuwa yanatoka na kuingia Dar es Salaam kabla na wakati huo
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Ngoma Africa Band going From Strength To Strength
Ngoma Africa Band, a German based Tanzanian band is now one of the oldest and most successful Africans bands in Germany.
Many African bands in Europe hardly survive for more than a year. Yet Ngoma Africa Band, founded by Ebrahim Makunja aka Ras Makunja in 1993, is still growing stronger.
band plays "Bongo Dance", which is a unique combination of traditional
and modern Tanzanian rhythms with Soukous and Rumba. All theirs songs
are in Kiswahili.
Ngoma Africa Band has released several successful hits including “Mama Kimwaga” (Sugar Mummy), “Anti-Corruption Squad” and “Apache wacha Pombe” (Stop over drinking).
In 2010 Ngoma Africa Band released a single in praise of Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete. The song titled “Jakaya Kikwete 2010” praises Mr. Kikwete’s good leadership skills and commitment to fight corruption.
12th August 2012, Ngoma Africa Band received the International
Diaspora Award (IDA) at the International African Festival Tubingen
2012, Germany, for their hard work in promoting East African music
throughout Europe.
Ms. Susan Muyang Tatah, CEO of the International African Festival Tubingen 2012 said Ngoma Africa Band was also chosen for the Award because of their creative performance on stage. It’s difficult to resist dancing at their concerts, she said.
This year the band released a new CD titled "Bongo Tambarare" featuring "Supu ya Mawe" and "Uhuru wa Habari". The new release is already dominating air waves in Tanzania.
"Supu ya Mawe" advices the listeners to work hard and be patient while pursuing their objectives in life. It also appeals for generosity towards the needy.
Habari" praises African journalists who are bold enough to speak out
the truth in environments where freedom of speech is quite limited.
Ngoma Africa Band is famous for staging thrilling shows in festivals in different parts of Europe. The band’s joyful female dancers, wearing traditional costumes and dancing vigorously to their tunes, always leave fans asking for more.
Ngoma Africa Band is composed of talented young musicians including soloist Christian Bakotessa aka Chris-B, Said Vuai, Matondo Benda, Jonathan Sousa, Aj Nbongo, Richard Makutima, Bedi Beraca "Bella" and Jessy
By By Stephen Ogongo Ongong’a
Many African bands in Europe hardly survive for more than a year. Yet Ngoma Africa Band, founded by Ebrahim Makunja aka Ras Makunja in 1993, is still growing stronger.
Ngoma Africa Band has released several successful hits including “Mama Kimwaga” (Sugar Mummy), “Anti-Corruption Squad” and “Apache wacha Pombe” (Stop over drinking).
In 2010 Ngoma Africa Band released a single in praise of Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete. The song titled “Jakaya Kikwete 2010” praises Mr. Kikwete’s good leadership skills and commitment to fight corruption.
Ms. Susan Muyang Tatah, CEO of the International African Festival Tubingen 2012 said Ngoma Africa Band was also chosen for the Award because of their creative performance on stage. It’s difficult to resist dancing at their concerts, she said.
This year the band released a new CD titled "Bongo Tambarare" featuring "Supu ya Mawe" and "Uhuru wa Habari". The new release is already dominating air waves in Tanzania.
"Supu ya Mawe" advices the listeners to work hard and be patient while pursuing their objectives in life. It also appeals for generosity towards the needy.
Ngoma Africa Band is famous for staging thrilling shows in festivals in different parts of Europe. The band’s joyful female dancers, wearing traditional costumes and dancing vigorously to their tunes, always leave fans asking for more.
Ngoma Africa Band is composed of talented young musicians including soloist Christian Bakotessa aka Chris-B, Said Vuai, Matondo Benda, Jonathan Sousa, Aj Nbongo, Richard Makutima, Bedi Beraca "Bella" and Jessy
By By Stephen Ogongo Ongong’a
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Meet the African German based Female Boxer Bintou Yawa Schmill also known as "The Voice
African ladies are otherwise known for other
things than Boxing, except for this one who is changing and making the story
looks different.
Ms.Bintou Yawa Schmill, 28yrs
young, a totally black African breed 1.71m, Togo born and based in Germany, started her
boxing career at a tender age. Something she did as an Amature has become a
success story. She wickedly punched competitors, messlessly and won 24 fights ,and 2 draw in the category welterweight -64Kg.
fingerprint show her since 2007, to have been a professional boxer with
unbeatable record of 4 fights, 4wins in a package including 3 K. O
case study is exceptional, she has not only broken the gender rule, she’s
representing the African continent in a Boxing ring , punching evil out the
brains of her competitors, Bintou is the Lioness that roars and the Lions make
a way. Now she´s back on stage, live and ready for a face2face catch, one on
Any brave
hearted out there to sponsor and make a name with Bintou? Bintou needs you to
make it happen… a man is a man because of another man –UBUNTU
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The Golden Voice of East Africa
guitars and driving
Rhythm of BONGO
It's the first African band to use is music as cross culture bridge from Tanzania in East
Africa to the
World! Ngoma Africa Band wich has been named The Golden Voice of East Africa is a
fast-growing band with a huge fans base worldwide.Its's
the first
African band to use is music as cross
culture bridge from Tanzania in East
Africa to the World. Ngoma Africa Band, a
Tanzanian band base in Germany,founded in the
year 1993
by Ebrahim Makunja aka ras
makunja,named several time is the best band in many
This is beacuse of the way the band presents itself
Live on stage.It penetrates
the souls of
the fans and automatically the
became crazy!,especially when the band
applies the EXTRA ORDINARY "Bongo Dansi" or "MZIKI WA DANSI" wich simple means danceable music from Tanzania.
Fans found rhythm unique,you only can hear this beat when the Ngoma
Africa band plays.Because of this reputitation of sends fans crazy with
the beats and
Ngoma Africa band have numbers of talented musician's including mult-talented soloist Christian Bakotessa aka Chris-B,other is
Said "Jazbo" Vuai,Mo Benda,Aj Nbongo,Jessy Ouyah,Diva Bedi Beraca aka Bedi Bella,Jonathan Souza "Jojo" and
The spirit of the Ngoma Africa Band unites with the sprits and souls of the fans and other audience.
The Ngoma Africa Band have released the album "Mama Kimwaga"(sugar Mum),also numbers of Hit sigles CD,like Apache wacha Pombe(Stop over Drinking alcohol),Anti-Corruption Squard,Single CD "Jakaya Kikwete 2010".
Most of the songs are written in various east African languages.But majority in SWAHILI or KISWAHILI the spoken language in Tanzania and its neighbouring east African countries.
The Ngoma Africa Band bellong to the fans!Musician are just the servant'sIt's the first African band to use is music as cross culture bridge from Tanzania in East Africa to the World!
Listen songs at and be connected at
contact@ngoma-africa.comThe spirit of the Ngoma Africa Band unites with the sprits and souls of the fans and other audience.
The Ngoma Africa Band have released the album "Mama Kimwaga"(sugar Mum),also numbers of Hit sigles CD,like Apache wacha Pombe(Stop over Drinking alcohol),Anti-Corruption Squard,Single CD "Jakaya Kikwete 2010".
Most of the songs are written in various east African languages.But majority in SWAHILI or KISWAHILI the spoken language in Tanzania and its neighbouring east African countries.
The Ngoma Africa Band bellong to the fans!Musician are just the servant'sIt's the first African band to use is music as cross culture bridge from Tanzania in East Africa to the World!
Ngoma africa Live Alafia fest,Hamburg
Thursday, April 11, 2013
killing of albinos Tanzania
It is so sad to say this but in reality Tanzania is among the top countries who have higher number of people living with albinism.each day a new number of albinos is increasing but there is one major problem facing them.people living with albinism face a lot of problems including isolation, brutality and killings.
Factors contributing
witchcraft is a major factor
Factors contributing
witchcraft is a major factor
- witchdoctors have lured a lot of people by making them believe that for one to become a successful in life they must bring to them any organ of an albino to them so that they can make for them traditional charms.
- we call it 'irizi' in swahili, its is believed to to brick good luck, protection and wealth but all of them are forgetting that they are killing innocent people who also have the right to live like other people. but we should appreciate for the effort the government is trying to do by ensuring that the people doing this things are taken to courts and sentenced to jail.
- The government should create awareness to the people by using the media and press that killing and torturing of albino is against human right and that they are just normal people like other people
- the government should enforce and implement laws that are going to protect the right of the albino and also they should provide tight security.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Sudan's Bashir coming for Uhuru fete
The Uhuru administration may have to handle its first diplomatic row if Sudanese President Omar al Bashir who is wanted by the ICC attends tomorrow's ceremony.
According to a Khartoum newspaper Akbar al-Youm which is considered to be pro government, Bashir is expected to arrive today for Tuesday's ceremony at Kasarani and will leave tomorrow for Chad. He is among several heads of state and government who have been invited for the ceremony.
Bashir’s attendance will however put the government—that of outgoing President Kibaki and the incoming Uhuru administration— in a quandary as there is an outstanding warrant of arrest against Bashir.
Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court over alleged war crimes and genocide in Darfur region. The ICC issued an international warrant for his arrest in 2008 which compels all countries who are signatory to the Rome Statute to effect.
However, since then, Bashir has travelled to several friendly African countries including Kenya when he was a surprise guest during the August 2010 ceremony for the promulgation of the new constitution which was held at Uhuru Park. Not even Prime Minister Raila Odinga was aware that Bashir had been invited for the ceremony or even that he was going to honor the invitation.
Subsequent to his visit, the International Commission for Jurists went to court to compel the government to live up to its obligations under the Rome Statute. High Court Judge Nicholas Ombija issued an arrest warrant for Bashir if he stepped into the country.
Attempts by the Attorney General Githu Muigai to appeal against the order and have the warrant lifted were unsuccessful. This means that Bashir is liable for arrest if he comes into the country.
His presence may also complicate matters for Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto who are both facing trial at the ICC. Both have severally declared that they will fully cooperate with ICC even while at State House.
Yesterday, the International Centre for Policy and Conflict executive director Ndung'u Wainaina said the government is obligated to obey the court orders.
“The High Court of Kenya issued a warrant of arrest against Al-Bashir. The CJ (Willy) Mutunga told IG of Police David Kimaiyo, and ‘Court orders are law'. Article 132(5) of Constitution states the President shall ensure international obligations are fulfilled,” he said.
Even as the final preparations of the fete were going on, there were indications that some of the Cord luminaries—outgoing PM Raila, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula will not attend. They left for a visit to South Africa and are due back tomorrow.
In a symbolic shift of power, all government offices and businesses premises which display the president's portrait will remove Kibaki's and put up Uhuru's portrait. This, according to the organizers of the ceremony, is supposed to be done simultaneously as Uhuru is sworn in as the next president. Kibaki's presidential standard will also be lowered and Uhuru's light blue standard will be raised in its place.
The swearing in ceremony which is estimated to cost taxpayers Sh300 million is expected to start at 10 am and end at 2 pm, according to a programme released by the inauguration committee headed by head of public service Francis Kimemia. Invited guests will then go to the State House where a garden party is expected to be held.
Foreign dignitaries including several African presidents were expected to start arriving last evening. They are expected to be seated at the Kasarani sports centre at 10.45 am.
The Chief of Defence Forces Julius Karangi will arrive at 11am and will be followed five ministers later by Chief Justice Willy Mutanga, the other five Supreme Court judges and the Registrar of Judiciary Gladys Shollei.
Thirty minutes later, a guard of honour mounted by KDF will marche to the stadium led by Lt Col Jeff Nyaga who headed the onslaught against Al Shabaab in Somalia.
Five minutes later, deputy president-elect William Ruto accompanied by his wife Rachel will arrive. He is expected to be followed into the centre by Uhuru and his wife.
At 11.45am, President Kibaki will arrive and mount his ceremonial Land Rover to take the last salute from the military. After the national anthem, Kibaki is expected to inspect his last guard of honor before the ceremony proper starts.
After taking his oath of office presented by CJ Mutunga, Uhuru will be decorated with the Chief of the Golden Heart medal by Kibaki, will be presented with the ceremonial sword and a copy of the constitution. A 21-gun salute to honor the incoming president will be followed by the National Anthem.
Ruto will be sworn into office by Shollei and will take over the programme which will see President Museveni invite Kibaki to deliver his valedictory (closing) speech. After the ceremony at Kasarani, Kibaki will attend the luncheon at State which will be hosted by his successor and leave.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Meet The World's Poorest President
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Freedom From Mental Slavery

Neo-imperialism is alive and well, just look at Iraq, just look at Libya, just look at the way Nigeria is being robbed each day.
Africans must stop seeing themselves as the wretched of the earth and take an active stance against all imperialist agendas.
Africans must organize their lives around the struggle of the impoverished against the greed of the wealthy.
Seizing power from the Imperialist capitalists and their local puppet and putting in the hands of the struggling masses:Africa must nationalize of all resources so that children do not have to starve as foreign corporations thrive..The impoverished citizens of the world must stand together to build
a globe based on equality and continuity.Africans are treating like animals in Europe..EUROPEANS LEADERS ARE RACISTWHITE SUPREMACY NAZIS EXPECIALY FRENCH.Africa must abolish all dependency on the imperialist capitalist system because this dependency brings death and starvation.Africa impoverished by institutions that suck on the blood of local economies, like the IMF and World Bank.
Africa nations are enslaves by European Pink aka white supremacy and their filthy corporations. in Africa Nation is used by imperialists to sell massive amounts of weapons to puppet governments.Africa must avoid any cultural intrusions designed to open up their markets for foreign
invasions.Financial colonialism is backed up by the imperialist military machine.The local elites destroy Africa by putting their greedy desires ahead of the people's well being.
Africa nations are enslaved by political systems that are nothing more than an imperialist puppet show.
Mirambo: The Man Who Changed the Face of Nineteenth-Century Tanzania
Situated in western Tanzania, the small town of Urambo appears relatively insignificant when compared with the economic and political hubs of Dodoma, Dar es Salaam or Mwanza. However, in the nineteenth century, one of the most important trade routes linking the coast to the interior passed through the region, connecting Lake Tanganyika with the Zanzibar Archipelago.
The trade in slaves, ivory, cloth, firearms and other commodities was dominated by Arab traders, who not only held economic power but would also dabble in the local politics of the regions where they settled. But from the 1860s, the balance of power was to be dramatically upset as a Nyamwezi chief came to power that would throw the Arab trade monopoly into chaos.
Mirambo, a strong and ambitious leader, revolutionised the status of the Nyamwezi people who inhabited the area and the role that they played in trade. Referred to as a ‘warlord’, the role of violence in Mirambo’s rule is often exaggerated at the expense of his political and economic ambitions. While warfare was undoubtedly an integral characteristic of Mirambo’s power, it does not give a complete picture of the changes that he envisaged.
Building a state
From humble beginnings as a local chief, Mirambo consolidated power over an area that he renamed Urambo, as it is still known today. During the early stages of his chieftainship, he enjoyed considerable loyalty and support from local populations. His ambitions proved to be larger than this small area, and he continued to expand his authority and influence over a number of Nyamwezi chiefs.Crucially, the communities that Mirambo was claiming control over had never experienced authority on such a large scale. This was his first challenge, to devise a system of political organisation that could consolidate the power he had already accumulated, while also adapting to the continued expansion of his area of control.
In reality, Mirambo’s methods of leadership changed little of the structure of Nyamwezi society. Once he had taken power from a chief he would usually choose a successor from the same family. As long as the new chiefs pledged allegiance to Mirambo, they would be left to go about their normal political duties. Mirambo relied on subordinates to rule his territories for him as he was expanding his new state into other territories.
Transforming trade
The desire to take control of trade in the region was a key driving force behind Mirambo’s political expansion. The location of Urambo gave him the perfect opportunity to do so. The famous journalist, Henry Morton Stanley, noted how Mirambo halted an Arab trade caravan and demanded firearms and commodities from the traders. This was the first major challenge to Arab economic supremacy that had occurred in the region since the development of long-distance trade with the interior.Mirambo did not stop there and began a war by attacking the Arab trading centre of Tabora. The conflict disrupted trade in the region for a number of years, prompting many influential Arabs to abandon their economic activity. Drawing to a close in 1875, Mirambo’s war with the Arabs provided him with the opportunity to reclaim tangible benefits from trade.
In practical terms, these benefits were based on the taxation of caravans coming through Urambo. Mirambo was able to accumulate firearms and valuable commodities that would contribute to his regional power and prestige. His ambitious vision of commerce put the Nyamwezi first, dramatically altering the characteristics of long-distance trade in East Africa.
International Relations in the nineteenth century
As Mirambo’s political and economic shake-up developed, it began to attract the attention of regional powers from further afield. The kingdom of Buganda to the north, ruled by Kabaka Mutesa at the time, became increasingly frustrated with the disruption of the long-distance trade in which it held a major stake. Tensions fluctuated throughout the 1870s as Mutesa planned a number of attacks on Mirambo’s territory.From Mirambo’s perspective, the military dominance of the Buganda kingdom required a calculated response. He consistently pushed for a diplomatic resolution of differences by sending representatives to Mutesa’s court. Mutesa was also not purely an aggressor as he sent his own diplomatic missions to Urambo when military means were unrealistic. Negotiations culminated in an alliance in 1881, which although not entirely stable, illustrates the complexity of both leaders’ politics.
Mirambo’s dealings with Mutesa bring to light an important aspect of his political ambition. His diplomatic activities were based on a vision of East Africa being made up of unified and powerful states.
A lasting legacy?
The political and economic upheaval that Mirambo instigated over a quarter of a century was both dynamic and rapid, characterised by his strong personal ambition. When he died in 1884, the state he had built disintegrated even quicker that it had come together. His successor, Mpandashalo, could not provide the type of leadership or commitment that was needed to ensure the continuity of the developments Mirambo had overseen.This issue was amplified by the tensions between the new forms of state-building and traditional authorities. When Mirambo died, a power vacuum materialised as local chiefs set about to reverse the innovations that he had put in place. Much of Mirambo’s successes were based on his own prestige, and to some extent the fearfulness of communities under his control. The reliance on one ‘big man’ meant that a sense of unity never fully developed within Nyamwezi society that would have been necessary for enduring political change.
During his time as chief, Mirambo showed great creativity and charisma in order to bring about the kind of transformation that he did. He had progressive political and economic ambitions that provided the impetus for his military activities, but ultimately proved too much for his short chieftainship. Although violence may have been an important means, it was certainly not his ultimate end.
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